Translation: Knowledge Synthesis and Research Translation for Prevention of NCDs in Women
Program Leads: Prof Martha Hickey, Prof Jane Fisher, Prof Annette Dobson, Prof Leigh Tooth, Dr Helen Brown, Dr Rachel Mudge
While collaboration and dissemination are intrinsic to the work in all the programs, this stream of work on translation and implementation science is allocated its own program to ensure that new knowledge is applied appropriately and translated into policy and practice.
From extensive engagement with end-users – including health professionals, government, health agencies and consumers – this program will identify appropriate intervention methods and set out recommendations for practice guidelines, protocols and assessment tools.
1. How can the new knowledge generated from this research program be translated into evidence-based information and resources for consumers and health care providers and into clinical practice guidelines and policies for implementation?
2. How can policymakers and health care providers incorporate gender-specific information, including reproductive history, into targeted approaches to prevention of NCD?
3. How can new knowledge about NCDs in women and evidence-based prevention strategies best be disseminated to health care providers and health consumers?
NHMRC Centre of Research Excellence on Women and Non-communicable Diseases: Prevention and Detection
Level 3, Public Health Building
The University of Queensland,
266 Herston Road
Herston, QLD, 4006
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